Ed.D. 607 -Social and Moral Philosophy Final Examination
University of Mindanao Professional School Maa, Davao City Ed.D. 607 -Social and Moral Philosophy Final Examination A. We cannot deny that our traits are our values. This is recognized by Grospe. According to him, “ there are values behind our traits”. He lists as many as 21 values behind our traits. In our attempts to understand Filipino values, we first of all tried to understand the Filipino in terms of his identity, humanness, and theories of Filipino values. After understanding who Filipino is, we tried to establish a linkage between the Filipino Character traits and his values. In the light of the explanation above, answer the following questions concisely. Just follow the instruction. 1. Does value have an indispensable place in ethics? Explain your answer in 1 paragraph compose of 5 sentences. 2. What are Filipino values? Write your discourses in 5 sentences in bullet form. 2.1. If there are, write 5 val